“Horizontes inexplorados” suite for Harp


“Horizontes inexplorados” suite for Harp

I. Del silencio al amanecer
II. Galope pampeano
III. Preguntas al infinito
IV. Baguala andina
V. Constelaciones patagonicas
VI. Toccata de las Americas

The six movements can be play separately as independent work.

The music develops rhythms and melodies whose roots are in the Latin-American folklore, without any quotations, but saving the perfume and flavor.

I do not pretend to create musicological research in this work, but rather attempted to take the roots, rhythms, and mythology as a source of inspiration to develop my own language, a sort of imaginary folklore.

Between the folkloric rhythms, we can identify the “Baguala”, “Malambo” (a competition male dance), “Carnavalito” (little carnival, a joyful dance), “Vidala” (a melancholic dance), “Corrido” (Venezuelan Dance), and “Huapango” (A Mexican dance), and many moments of pure music.

All of these elements work within contemporary European musical structures such as minimalism, atonalism, pentatonic harmonies, and tonality.

In addition, I have explored the extreme ends of the possibilities and effects of the harp…” E. Benzecry






20 minutes


Philadelphia Chamber Music Society February 11, 2011
Elizabeth Hainen, Harp


Elizabeth Hainen


The LYRA for Philadelphia Chamber Music Society


Lyon & Healy/Salvi Publications


Rental Info

I. Del silencio al amanecer
II. Galope pampeano
III. Preguntas al infinito
IV. Baguala andina
V. Constelaciones patagonicas
VI. Toccata de las Americas

The six movements can be play separately as independent work.

The music develops rhythms and melodies whose roots are in the Latin-American folklore, without any quotations, but saving the perfume and flavor.

I do not pretend to create musicological research in this work, but rather attempted to take the roots, rhythms, and mythology as a source of inspiration to develop my own language, a sort of imaginary folklore.

Between the folkloric rhythms, we can identify the “Baguala”, “Malambo” (a competition male dance), “Carnavalito” (little carnival, a joyful dance), “Vidala” (a melancholic dance), “Corrido” (Venezuelan Dance), and “Huapango” (A Mexican dance), and many moments of pure music.

All of these elements work within contemporary European musical structures such as minimalism, atonalism, pentatonic harmonies, and tonality.

In addition, I have explored the extreme ends of the possibilities and effects of the harp…” E. Benzecry